Android version Release Notes

Download the latest version of MillenVPN Version: 2.4.1 Changed default VPN protocol to IKEv2. Version: 2.4.0 Improved connection delay when using OpenVPN Added notification display function Japanese and English (US [...].

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iOS Version Release Notes

Download the latest version of MillenVPN Version: 1.1.2 Release date: June 11, 2024 Changes since 1.1.1 ■Added features: Switching display to Japanese and English (US) Depending on the language setting of the device, the app's language table [...].

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macOS version Release Notes

Download the latest version of MillenVPN Version: V1.0.1 Release Date: 08/04/2020 Changes since V1.0.0 ■ Added features ■ Changed specifications - Application name changed from "MillenVPN" to "MillenV [...]

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Release Notes for Windows

Download the latest version of MillenVPN Version: V2.3.0.0 Release Date: 09/05/2023 Changes since V2.2.0.0 - Added automatic VPN protocol selection - Added DNS leak protection setting OFF - I [...]

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