The main cause of this error is a bug in Windows 10.

The following settings will initialize the Windows System Preferences and may prevent the normal use of other applications.

Therefore, we ask that you perform the following operations at your own risk.

【1】Command Prompt

1. Click "Windows Start Menu" > "Windows System Tools" > "Command Prompt" Right click on "Others" > "Run as Administrator".

2. After clicking "Run as administrator," click "Yes" when the message in the image below appears.

3. Type the following into the Command Prompt screen that appears and press Enter.

netsh int ip reset

Continue to type the following at the command prompt and press Enter

netsh int ipv6 reset

Continue to type the following at the command prompt and press Enter

netsh winsock reset

4. Restart the computer.

[2] Device Manager

1. Click on "Windows Start Menu" right click and then "Device Manager".

2. Click ">" under "Network Adapters.

3. Uninstall all network adapters starting with "WAN Miniport" by right-clicking on them and clicking "Uninstall Device".

4. Once you have uninstalled all of "WAN Miniport", continue by clicking on "Operations" > "Scan for Hardware Changes".

5. The network adapter starting with "WAN Miniport" that you just uninstalled will appear again.

6. Restart the computer.

After completing [1] and [2] above, please try to connect to MillenVPN Native again and confirm that you can connect.