If you want to use services in Japan from China or other countries listed on this page, please visit
The recommended connection method varies depending on the OS of the device you are using, so please check the instructions for your OS below.

For Android TV and Fire OS

For Windows

Please follow the steps below to change the VPN protocol and use the MillenVPN application.

(1) From the MillenVPN application menu, select [1] [Gear] > [2] [Connect] > [3] [OpenVPN] and change the connection method to "OpenVPN".
(2) Please confirm that you can connect to either the Tokyo server or the Osaka server.

If you cannot connect even with " MillenVPN Native OpenConnect ", please refer to
[If you cannot connect to "MillenVPN Native OpenConnect"].

No alt attribute specified for image. File name: MillenVPN_OpenVPN_0.png

For iOS / Android

Please check if you can connect to either the Tokyo or Osaka server of the MillenVPN application.

If you cannot connect even with " MillenVPN Native OpenConnect ", please check
[If you cannot connect to "MillenVPN Native OpenConnect"]. If you cannot connect to "MillenVPN Native OpenConnect", please refer to the following page.

For Mac OS

" - MillenVPN Native OpenConnect MillenVPN Native OpenConnect Please use "MillenVPN Native OpenConnect
Please use the "MillenVPN Native OpenConnect" service. MillenVPN Native OpenConnect If you cannot connect to "MillenVPN Native OpenConnect", please use "MillenVPN Native OpenConnect",
If you cannot connect to "MillenVPN Native OpenConnect If you cannot connect to "MillenVPN Native OpenConnect", please refer to the following page. If you cannot connect to "MillenVPN Native OpenConnect", please refer to the following page.

If you cannot connect to "MillenVPN Native OpenConnect

Please check the following information.

(1) Please check if it is possible to connect by changing the destination server.
Please follow the procedure below to check the destination server of MillenVPN Native OpenConnect, change the server address to a different server address from the one you have currently set, and check if it is possible to connect.

1) Log in to My Page at https://accounts.millenvpn.jp/clientarea.php.
2) Click on Services.
3) Click on MillenVPN Native (free option).
4) In the page opened in 3) MillenVPN Native OpenConnect will appear under "Connection Server Address".

(2) Whether it is possible to connect by changing the communication line
Please check whether it is possible to connect by connecting to a different communication line than the Wi-Fi or other communication line you are currently using (e.g., connecting to a different Wi-Fi or not connecting to Wi-Fi).

(3) Whether the connection is possible with security software stopped
If security software has been installed, please check whether the connection is possible with the security software stopped.

Please note that the information you have confirmed at the time of application Precautions before signing up As explained in the "Precautions before signing up" section, please understand that if you wish to use the service from a country with strict communication restrictions such as China, it may be difficult to connect because the availability of connection depends on the international situation and the connection source.